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Monday, May 16, 2011

Taiwan's beef noodle soup台灣的牛肉麵

Beef noodle soup is a Chinese noodle soup made of stewed beef, beef broth, vegetables and Chinese noodles. It exists in various forms throughout East Asia and Southeast Asia. It was created by the Hui people (a Chinese Muslim ethnic group) during the Tang Dynasty of China.
In the West, this food may be served in a small portion as a soup. In China, a large bowl of it is often taken as a whole meal with or without any side dish. In Taiwan, vendors that sell beef noodle may also have optional, often cold side dishes, such as braised dried tofu, seaweed, or pork intestine. Beef noodles is often served with suan cai (Chinese sauerkraut) on top, green onion, and sometimes other vegetables in the soup as well.
In Chinese, "牛肉麵" literally means "beef noodles". If one orders "牛肉湯麵" or "beef soup noodles" in a restaurant in Taiwan, Mainland China, or Hong Kong, they might be given a very inexpensive bowl of noodles in only beef broth but no beef. If one orders a "牛肉湯" or "beef-soup", they could be given a more expensive bowl of beef broth with chunks of beef in it but without noodles.
Beef noodle is often served as fast food in China, with Mr. Lee being the largest chain. In Taiwan it has become a symbol of Taiwan's food and every year the city of Taipei holds an annual Beef Noodle Festival, where various chefs and restaurants compete to see who is the best beef noodle in Taiwan.
The Chinese Muslim version uses halal (清真) meat and contains no soy sauce. Salt, red chilis, star anise, white pepper, and green onions are used to add flavoring to the soup. The Chinese name for the Muslim version of beef noodles is clear-broth stewed beef noodles (清燉牛肉麵). In Taiwanese halal restaurants, only quality local beef from the Taiwanese zebu (黃牛, lit. "yellow cattle") prepared by the local halal butcher is used for the beef noodles.
When soy sauce is added, the soup is called red roasted or braised beef noodles (紅燒牛肉麵). This version is more popular with being used as a flavor for instant noodle. In this version, the stew meat is sometimes stir fried with hot sauce, such as Chinese hot bean paste 辣豆瓣醬, before being simmered as soup. Chefs also let the stock simmer for long periods of time with bone marrow; some vendors can cook the beef stock for as long as 24 hours. This type of beef noodle tends to be more spicy than the Muslim version. There are several variations with the broth, such as spicy, tomato, garlic, and herbal medicine.

  • 紅燒牛肉麵:注重濃厚的口味,以豆瓣醬,醬油為基底的口味,在市場上略居主流,又衍生出紅燒番茄牛肉麵、紅燒牛肉湯麵、紅燒牛肉乾麵等許多種類。
  • 清燉牛肉麵:以花椒、胡椒和高湯為基底的口味,又名「清真牛肉麵」,以清爽口感與紅燒口味抗衡。特色是所使用的牛肉都是當天現場宰殺的。台灣牛肉麵大部分使用的牛肉是牛腱肉,也有部份會讓顧客選擇改以牛筋肉或牛肚肉代替。
  • 清湯牛肉麵:類似清燉牛肉麵,但作法不同,以牛骨和胡蘿蔔和玉米為高湯底,上桌前在麵上鋪上嫩牛肉片和薑絲,然後倒入高湯燙熟,味道甘美清甜,盛行在台南一帶。
  • 牛肉湯麵:「牛肉湯麵」沒有牛肉塊,僅有牛肉湯、麵條、以及一些極為小塊的牛肉末。也就是沒有牛肉塊的牛肉麵。
  • 番茄牛肉麵:主要是在紅燒口味的湯底中,加入番茄一起燉煮。
  • 蔥燒牛肉麵:在紅燒的湯底中加入事先爆香的
  • 麻辣牛肉麵:加入花椒的辣味湯底。
  • 川味牛肉麵:台灣的川味牛肉麵,其實是在台灣本地所發展出的牛肉麵種類。一般認為起源是由四川省來台的退役士兵,將來自家鄉成都的「牛肉紅湯」做法,加上臺灣當地的辣豆瓣醬後,搭配新鮮麵條後而成,為紅燒牛肉麵的前身。發源於高雄岡山眷村,流傳至台灣各地後,在台北興盛。
  • 沙茶牛肉麵:做法與紅燒和清燉的口味完全不同,是利用牛骨熬煮湯頭,再加上沙茶醬。食用時會放上豆芽菜或豆苗。
  • 牛排牛肉麵:加入高級牛排(例如:沙朗牛排)的牛肉麵,價格通常較貴。
  • 咖哩牛肉麵:使用咖哩為湯底。
  • 速食牛肉麵:台灣地區有不少速食麵,以添加牛肉或牛肉口味,而叫做牛肉麵。
  • 湯麵餛飩或餛飩牛湯麵: 牛肉湯麵中加餛飩 (一說餛飩麵但以牛肉湯為底), 流行於台灣販賣溫州大餛飩部分飯館.
  • 牛肉細粉: 同紅燒或清燉牛肉麵, 但使用細粉(或稱冬粉粉絲)代替其中的麵條.通常加入油豆腐吸收湯汁, 並增加口感.
越南也有一種類似牛肉麵的美食,名叫「Ph bò」,碗中放入河粉和牛肉、拌以各式香葉及蔬菜,然後在放入滾熱高湯沖燙,搭配魚露佐味,味道清爽甘甜。

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